Category: next js

A new challenger appears

March 7, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

📒  Eloquent JavaScript Goes Fourth — Coming several years after the third edition, the latest version of, perhaps, the best ‘all rounder’ book for learning JavaScript is here: “adjusted to the realities of 2024 and generally touched up.” You can read it on the Web,…

Postgres in TypeScript

February 29, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

PGlite: PostgreSQL in WebAssembly (and TypeScript) — People have brought Postgres into the browser before, albeit atop a Linux VM WASM layer. PGlite, however, packages a WASM build of Postgres into a TypeScript library that can be run in the browser or on Node.js or…

A big update for ECharts

February 22, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

📊 Apache ECharts 5.5: The Powerful Visualization Library — ECharts’ big selling point, beyond being a well supported Apache-backed project, is its balance of power and simplicity. You can do a lot with it (check out the many examples here) without the code becoming complex. v5.5…

TC39 adds a new stage for ECMAScript proposals

February 15, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

Tempo: An Easier Way to Work with Dates — We think they nailed their own summary: “A collection of utilities for working with the native Date object — an important distinction from other libraries that provide custom date primitives. Under the hood, Tempo mines Intl.DateTimeFormat…


February 8, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

jQuery 4.0.0 Beta — I recently looked at issue #1 of JavaScript Weekly and the top two items were jQuery, so it’s nice to feature it 🙂 You might not be using jQuery, but it’s still everywhere, including WordPress. v4 says goodbye to IE 10…

A Qwik break from React?

February 1, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

Announcing TypeScript 5.4 Beta — TypeScript gains Object.groupBy and Map.groupBy, a new NoInfer<T> utility type is introduced to stop TypeScript from digging in to match against inner types during inference, and lots of smaller bits and pieces covered in this lengthy post. The final release…

Modern shell scripting with JavaScript

January 25, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

Better JavaScript Shell Scripting with Bun Shell — Performance-focused server-side runtime Bun continues its rapid evolution with a side quest into the world of shell scripting by making it easier, cross-platform friendly, and less verbose. zx offers similar (but less integrated and focused) functionality to…

Astro + htmx + Alpine.js == AHA

January 18, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

console.delight — You use console.log to output text, but did you know that in the browser console it can be used to render other things, like SVGs and HTML? This post is packed with examples and goes deeper into the creative options opened up by…

Is htmx Just Another JS Framework?

January 11, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

Is htmx Just Another JavaScript Framework? — Despite being four years old, htmx has seen a surge in popularity recently, parly due to fatigue with ‘big frameworks’ and also because its simple HTML-based approach to adding functionality to a page appeals to an increasingly diverse…

JavaScript’s rising stars

January 4, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

🌟 The 2023 JavaScript Rising Stars — At the start of each year, Michael rounds up the projects that gained the most popularity on GitHub in the prior year. Rocketing to #1 is the shadcn/ui suite of React components, but there are a lot of fresh…