Amazon’s Exabyte-Scale Migration from Apache Spark to Ray on Amazon EC2

July 25, 2024 By Mark Otto 0

Large-scale, distributed compute framework migrations are not for the faint of heart. There are backwards-compatibility constraints to maintain, performance expectations to meet, scalability limits to overcome, and the omnipresent risk of introducing breaking changes to production. This all becomes especially troubling if you happen to…

What’s new for us in ECMAScript 2024

July 25, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

Astro 4.12: Say Hello to Server Islands — The flexible Astro framework for building modern content-based sites continues to go from strength to strength. v4.12 includes a new concept of server islands, a way to integrate static HTML and server-side generated components together. Erika and Phillips…

What the React community is doing and thinking

July 24, 2024 By Mark Otto 0

Build a Waitlist with Clerk User Metadata — Discover how to implement a waitlist in your app using Clerk’s user metadata, including setting up an admin dashboard for efficient user access management. This guide simplifies controlling user entry and enhances your app’s onboarding workflow. Clerk |…

AI Web App Generator to Make Apps in Minutes

July 23, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

Imagine creating a fully functional web app in minutes, without writing a single line of code. Are you tired of spending countless hours coding your web applications? Is there a faster, more efficient way to develop robust business software? Have you ever wondered how AI…

Node.js v22.5 includes SQLite, but..

July 23, 2024 By Mark Otto 0

Node.js v22.5.0 (Current) Released – But Don’t Install It! — A notable release for three reasons: first, the WebSocket feature in node:http is now exposed. Second, remember how Node is embedding SQLite? node:sqlite is now included and ready to play with. Third, however, v22.5.0 introduced a nasty…

Exploring JavaScript (ES2024 Edition)

July 18, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

WorkOS: The Modern Identity Platform for B2B SaaS — Start selling to enterprise customers with just a few lines of code. WorkOS provides flexible, easy-to-use APIs to integrate SSO, SCIM, and RBAC in minutes. It’s used by hundreds of high-growth startups including Perplexity, Vercel, Drata, & Webflow.…

Getting Started with Cilium Service Mesh on Amazon EKS

July 17, 2024 By Mark Otto 0

Cilium is an open source solution for providing, securing, and observing network connectivity between workloads, powered by the revolutionary kernel technology called extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF). eBPF enables the dynamic insertion of security, visibility, and networking logic into the Linux kernel. Cilium provides high-performance…

Free Open-Source CRM Software for Small Business

July 17, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

“For small businesses in the digital age, choosing the correct Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool can make all the difference.” When looking for CRM software, you can find yourself wondering: How may CRM tools enable my small firm to expand Which free open-source CRM choices…