Category: next js

Gulp is back – did it ever leave?

May 9, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

Advanced JavaScript Tools to Empower Your Applications — Build better web applications with powerful JavaScript developer tools including: SpreadJS Excel-like spreadsheet components, ActiveReportsJS reporting tools, Wijmo UI component suite, and Document Solutions viewers for PDF, Excel, Image, and more. MESCIUS inc 📒 Articles & Tutorials Why Patching…

Svelte 5 is almost here

May 2, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

💡 If you want to upgrade ASAP, there’s a thorough upgrade guide available, but consider upgrading via React 18.3 first. IN BRIEF: RELEASES: 📒 Articles & Tutorials ‘I Reviewed 1,000s of Opinions on HTMX’ — htmx is an increasingly popular way to use modern, dynamic browser features through…

JSR isn’t another tool, it’s a fundamental shift

April 25, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

JSR is Not Another Package Manager — When Ryan created Node, JavaScript had no packages or standard module system. npm and CommonJS took off, and tools like Yarn or pnpm extended npm in certain areas, but in today’s ES modules era, it’s time for a…

Visualizing algorithms

April 18, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

Airbnb’s Extensive JavaScript Style Guide — It’s been years since we mentioned this popular, opinionated style guide, but it keeps getting little tweaks and repairs and remains a handy resource nonetheless. Airbnb WorkOS: Enterprise-Grade Auth for Modern SaaS Apps — WorkOS supports both the foundational auth…

An easy way to experiment with signals

April 11, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

Frontend Development Beyond React: Svelte — A surprisingly thorough article going deep into one developer’s research into using Svelte to build modern front-end apps. If you’ve never experimented with Svelte, this is a good primer to the key concepts, tradeoffs, and techniques involved. Héla Ben Khalfallah…

A signal boost for JavaScript

April 4, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

A Proposal to Add Signals to JavaScript — A (very) early stage proposal for bringing a new feature to ECMAScript/JavaScript: signals! The proposal brings aboard ideas from a swathe of popular frameworks and aims to align everyone and get us on the same page when…

Promises visualized

March 28, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

JavaScript Visualized: Promise Execution — A helpful diagrammed and animated article, coupled with an (optional) 8-minute video, that goes into how promises work and are scheduled behind the scenes. It’s useful to have a good mental model of these mechanics, given promises form the basis…

Package managers, the new todo app?

March 21, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

Runtime Compatibility Across JavaScript Runtimes — Several developers have come together to build this convenient way to visualize the compatibility of different Web APIs and JavaScript features across the ever increasing number of different runtimes (e.g. Bun, Deno, Node, LLRT..) Tom Lienard et al. ✅…

Build-time macros for everyone

March 14, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

𝕏 Devon goes into extra detail 🐦 in this Twitter/X thread. You can also revisit the release of Parcel 2.12.0 to learn more. How to Add an Onboarding Flow for your Application — Learn to enhance onboarding for your app with Clerk and Next.js: add custom…

A new challenger appears

March 7, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

📒  Eloquent JavaScript Goes Fourth — Coming several years after the third edition, the latest version of, perhaps, the best ‘all rounder’ book for learning JavaScript is here: “adjusted to the realities of 2024 and generally touched up.” You can read it on the Web,…