Adonis v6

January 30, 2024 By Mark Otto 0

Node.js Weekly

AdonisJS v6: The Complete Web Framework β€” If you want a TypeScript-first backend Web framework with amazing docs and packed with features out the box, Adonis is worth a look. v6 takes a huge step forward by using ESM by default, offering significantly more type safety overall (including for routes and middleware references), a new validation library, and more.

Harminder Virk

Starting and Publishing a Library: The Modern Way β€” A walk through the steps involved in creating and packaging a library, publishing a package, adding testing, and automatically publishing it all to the NPM registry, along with provenance.

TamΓ‘s Sallai

πŸ›  Code & Tools

Husky 9: Git Hooks Made Easy β€” Husky provides a structured way to use git hooks to do things like auto-lint your commit messages or code, and run tests upon committing or pushing. v9 makes setting it up and adding hooks much easier.


RDB 3.5: A Database Agnostic ORM for Node β€” Around for many years, RDB sits among a wide range of options, but the homepage makes it easy to see if its flavor is to your taste. It supports both JS and TypeScript, ESM and CJS, and v3.5 introduces Oracle support. GitHub repo.

Lars-Erik Roald