Tag: web

Does Node need a mascot of its own?

September 19, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Does Node.js Need a Mascot? — Go has its cute gopher, Deno has a dinosaur, Bun has, well.. a bun, but what does Node have? Nothing official, as such, and Matteo Collina ponders whether we should change that. Most of the suggestions seem tongue in…

Opening up the Node.js toolbox

August 1, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

PythonMonkey: JavaScript/WASM Interop for Python — The alpha release of a new way to bring Python and JavaScript together, by way of embedding Mozilla SpiderMonkey into the Python VM. This post introduces the concept with some examples, an idea of where the project is headed,…

jQuery lives on; major changes teased

May 18, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

Bun’s New Bundler: 220x Faster than webpack? — Bun is one of the newest JavaScript runtimes (built atop the JavaScriptCore engine) and focuses on speed while aiming to be a drop-in replacement for Node.js. This week’s v0.6.0 release is the ‘biggest release yet’ with standalone…

React gets a new ‘Canary’ release channel

May 10, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Next.js 13.4 Released — Despite the minor version bump, this is a big release for the popular React framework. The new app router and its improved approach to filesystem based routing is now offered as a stable feature, with a new concept of server actions…

Did you know JavaScript is trademarked?

April 27, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

Trivia: This trademark issue is why the standardized form of JS is called ECMAScript. ???? Articles & Tutorials ???? Partytown is worth considering if you’d like to run potentially resource intensive third-party scripts in Web Workers. Modern Alternatives to Create React App — create-react-app was the ‘go…

Node v20 released

April 18, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Node.js 20 Released — A quirk of fate meant this issue was delayed for a couple of hours and.. Node v20 was launched in that time. Phew! This means we haven’t had much time to digest the news, though, but the key updates include: Experimental support…

The return of ECMAScript 2023 (and Angular)

April 13, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

The JavaScript Equality Table Game — Minesweeper will feel like a walk in the park after this reminder of the horrors of JavaScript’s ==. If you need to go in depth, Section 7.2.14 of the ECMAScript spec will help, but otherwise? Stick to three equals…

Node.js challengers gaining ground

March 23, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Deno 1.32 Released with Enhanced Node Compatibility — I know this is a Node newsletter, but given Deno’s provenance and continuing insistence for Node.js compatibility, this is Node news in a round about way. 1.32 ships with TypeScript 5 and extends package.json support in particular. Deno…

Were React hooks a mistake? Take 2.

March 8, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Why You Should Use a React ‘Framework’ — Whether it’s Next.js, Gatsby, Remix, or something else, using a bigger framework that itself uses React is de rigueur in 2023. Lee examines why, complete with a nice iceberg metaphor, and does a good job of boiling…