Ways that React 18 improves performance

July 19, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

How React 18 Improves Application Performance — If you’ve not been keeping up with how things are progressing in React with regards to concurrent rendering, transitions, Suspense, and even React Server Components, this is a fantastic review and primer to get up to.. speed on how such features can improve performance.

Lydia Hallie (Vercel)

New Course: The Hard Parts of UI Development — Develop an under-the-hood knowledge of UI development by learning techniques such as data binding, UI composition, templating, virtual DOM and its reconciliation, and hooks, all from scratch!

Frontend Masters

Creating Custom Raycast Extensions with React — No lie, Raycast has replaced Spotlight, Alfred, and all the rest on macOS for me. It’s a fantastic launcher and shortcuts app, plus it has an extensions system you can use to make it do even more tricks.

Colby Fayock

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