Tag: JSX

Who forgot about React Forget

September 27, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Upgrading Frontend Dependencies with Confidence — Tests often provide a way to see if the logic in our apps isn’t working the way we expect, but what about if a frontend component is rendering incorrectly? Visual regression testing to the rescue! Sébastien, well known for…

Explaining why React re-renders

September 6, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

👋 If you didn’t receive any issues recently, we were on vacation.. but we’re back! It’s been a quiet summer for the React world, though, so catching up won’t be too tricky – let’s get moving.. 😉__Peter Cooper and the Cooperpress team Astro 3.0 Released — Astro…

An interactive guide to React rendering

May 3, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Vercel Introduces First-Class Storage Options — Vercel is a popular platform for deploying React apps but has lacked obvious options for data storage (indeed, they have a lot of templates for common third party systems). Now, though, they’ve partnered with Upstash, Neon, and Cloudflare to…

React’s past and React’s future

February 15, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

▶  React.js: The Documentary — With acclaim from the core team and starring folks like Sophie Alpert, Pete Hunt, and Dan Abramov, this is the origin story of React, right back to when it was a “fragile, strange, fascinating idea that almost didn’t happen.” You won’t…