Deno wants us to ditch CommonJS

July 4, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

RegExp’s v Flag with Set Notation and Properties of Strings — The capability of regexes in Node has been turned up a few notches, especially in the support for, and manipulation of, Unicode character sets (for example, you can now do things like ‘match all…

This is a doozy of an issue

June 29, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

A Massive Bug at the Heart of the npm Ecosystem — “This is a doozy,” says the author, who used to work on the npm CLI team. We don’t want to spoil his story too much, but in short, package manifests and actual package contents…

Bad boolean advice

June 28, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

An Update on Next.js’s App Router — The ‘app router’ in Next.js 13+ offers a new approach for structuring Next apps and is recommended for all new ones going forward (it became stable in Next.js 13.4 last month). This post provides a welcome update on…

Why Node permissions are experimental for now

June 27, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

A Day in the Life of an Ethical Hacker — Ethical hackers proactively identify security weaknesses before they can be exploited by malicious actors. Learn practical steps for getting started with ethical hacking, from reconnaissance and vulnerability exploitation to responsible disclosure. Snyk A Look at TypeScript…

Svelte 4 released

June 22, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

UnsuckJS: Comparing Lightweight JavaScript Options — “No build tools, no compilers, and no hassle.” It’s a table of frontend JavaScript libraries on a simple page – that’s it! But it’s a handy table, letting you see the relative popularity, size, and latest versions of libraries as…

The most ‘admired and desired’ Web technology

June 21, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Panda CSS: Modern, Build-Time, Type-Safe CSS-in-JS — Best known for the Chakra UI component library, Segun Adebayo is back with a new DX-focused CSS-in-JS approach boasting build-time generated styles and type safety out of the box. It works with Remix, Vite, Next.js, Astro, and even…

Getting under Node’s skin

June 20, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

▶  Recreating a JS Runtime to Understand Node’s Magic — Popular speaker, educator, Microsoft MVP and Node.js core team member Erick gives a very enthusiastic talk on the latest ‘hello world’ in the JavaScript world: building a runtime 😏 Somehow, Erick manages to run through the…