Category: angular js

Axios turns 1.0; TypeScript turns 10

October 7, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Together with  🤔 If you wonder why people use Axios when the Fetch API is widely supporters, interceptors are just one of many features its fans cite. ‘I Turned JS Into a Compiled Language (for Fun and Wasm)’ — You can never be bored observing…

How TypeScript 4.9 satisfies

September 30, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

The Web Almanac 2022’s Take on the State of JavaScript in the Real World — What’s better: a survey, or real world usage data from 8 million sites? If you prefer the latter, this is for you. The Web Almanac is an annual ‘state of the…

Extractors for ECMAScript

September 23, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

A Proposed JS Feature: Extractor Objects — Entering stage one at the latest TC39 meeting is a proposal for being able to define your own logic (such as data validation or transformation) to run as part of the object destructuring process. A proposal worth reviewing. Ecma…

Seven weird ways to call a JavaScript function

September 16, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

MemLab: A Framework for Finding JavaScript Memory Leaks — Facebook (sorry, Meta) has been using MemLab to make significant improvements to the memory use of its main SPA. Now they’ve open sourced the tool (which is itself written in TypeScript) with the hope everyone else…

Anyone know Larry Ellison?

September 9, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Ryan Dahl Asks Oracle to Release the ‘JavaScript’ Trademark — It’s in our small print, but did you know Oracle owns the ‘JavaScript’ trademark? This is why the standard is called ECMAScript instead. It’s all down to Netscape’s deal with Sun Microsystems, which Oracle later…

David’s handy JS debugging tip

September 2, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

12 Useful JavaScript Data Grid Libraries — A rundown of some data grid libraries for providing spreadsheet-esque views over datasets – Zara also shares her recommendations on things to consider when making a choice. Zara Cooper IN BRIEF: DEBUGGING TIP: David Walsh shows off Chrome’s rather…

The future JavaScript features at TC39

August 26, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

If you missed my note two weeks ago, we took last week off, so you didn’t miss any issues 🙂 We’re now back every week until Christmas (121 sleeps to go..)__Peter Cooper, your editor. When Alternative JS Runtimes Grow Up: Deno Has Big Changes Ahead,…

A way to automatically generate regexes from examples

August 12, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

☀️ We’re taking a rare week off next week for a brief summer vacation so there won’t be any issue on August 19 – we’ll be back on August 26, complete with a sun tan wind burn, and all the latest JavaScript news, of course…

Genius misuse of WOFF 2 and Brotli to win a JavaScript contest.

August 5, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

JS1024 2022 Competition Winners — JS1024 is a ‘code golfing’ contest where you get 15 days to create a JavaScript or GLSL program within 1024 bytes. This results in lots of creative ideas, complete with fantastic (non-minified) source to check out. The winning JS entry…

Douglas Crockford on ‘retiring’ JavaScript

July 29, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Roll Your Own JavaScript Runtime — Bun, Rhino, Deno, Node, and now Blueboat.. is creating your own JavaScript runtime environment the new “hello world”? 😆 Not quite, but this is a fun walk through the bare basics of the process, and you’ll have a Rust,…