A linting tool for React performance

March 6, 2024 By Mark Otto 0

Million Lint Now in Public BetaMillion’s mission is to make React apps faster and the new VS Code extension Million Lint takes a new approach: imagine something like ESLint, but for suggesting performance improvements. npx @million/lint@latest in any React app will get you started.

Aiden Bai

Tailwind CSS: Write Efficient, Utility-First CSS — Join Steve Kinney for this detailed video course exploring Tailwind CSS. You’ll build real-world components like modals, forms, and page layouts — becoming proficient in creating stunning, responsive, and maintainable UI.

Frontend Masters

Vercel Unveils Vercel AI SDK 3.0 — You may recall that Vercel launched a tool called v0 last year that uses AI to create React components from natural language descriptions. As part of their latest suite of AI SDKs, they’ve open sourced the tech behind v0 and opened a way to integrate AI into your React apps in a streaming fashion via React Server Components.

Palmer, Ding, Leiter, et al. (Vercel)

React Unforget: An Experimental Alternative to React Compiler? — The React team teased more about the potential of the React Compiler (a.k.a. ‘Forget’) in their recent update, but Mohamad was really keen to get playing with the concepts ASAP: “With React Forget’s release timeline unclear, I’ve launched a community-driven version to keep innovation alive. I believe React Unforget can be to React Compiler what Preact is to React.”

Mohamad Mohebifar

▶  Expo Explained in 100 Seconds — If you’ve never quite grasped what Expo brings to the React Native table, Fireship quickly summarizes it here (in short, think of Expo as a higher layer of structure and tooling for building RN apps, along with libraries and components).


🛠  Code, Tools & Libraries

ONBOARDING_LIB: A Headless Onboarding Library — An onboarding library for React apps, to make it easier to build accessible, customizable and persisted onboarding flows. The docs site itself is an example of such a flow.

Neftic Oy