Top AWS Open Source Talks at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2022
October 10, 2022We’re excited to meet up with the open source community in Detroit later this month for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America! Here at AWS we’ve been growing our participation and contributions across a number of Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) projects. We are looking forward to sharing our innovations and ideas with the broader community as we gather for a whirlwind week together at the North American installment of one of the largest open source developer events around.
In this post we want to share some session highlights, focusing on open source project-centered content you can attend at our booth, at the AWS Container Day pre-event, as well as during the main conference’s session breakouts throughout the week. These next few sections will provide quick hits to help you decide what sessions to attend throughout the week.
AWS Container Day session highlights
AWS Container Day featuring Kubernetes, is a full day of learning and discussion about Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) and Kubernetes at AWS taking place on Tuesday, Oct. 25 from 9 AM – 5 PM. There is no additional cost to attend, but pre-registration is required as seating is limited. You can register for AWS Container Day sessions when you register for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2022 or update your registration to include AWS Container Day sessions.
Tuesday 11 – 11:30 AM: Well-architected and secure Kubernetes manifests with cdk8s
You may already be aware of the open source AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) that allows you to use familiar programming languages to orchestrate your infrastructure. Did you know we have an open source CDK project that’s specifically for Kubernetes? Learn more about cdk8s during our Day 0 event, AWS Container Days, from 11:00 – 11:30 AM.
Tuesday 11:45 AM – 12:30 PM: Cut your cluster costs: How to monitor and reduce your compute costs with OpenCost and KubeCost
Understanding and evaluating the cost of your clusters is a key component for the maturing enterprise use of Kubernetes across various providers and solutions. Many vendors, including AWS, have come together to submit OpenCost to the CNCF Sandbox this summer, and you can hear a lot more about OpenCost and the KubeCost project it originated from during our session from 11:45 AM – 12:30 PM.
AWS booth sessions
We will also be hosting various breakout sessions at our AWS Booth during KubeCon from Wednesday to Friday. You can stop by our booth, D1, which is the first booth on the main entrance to the expo floor. You can also chat with our AWS experts and get your questions answered.
Wednesday 3:30 – 4:30 PM: Observability best practices for Amazon EKS
A lot of customers have successfully modernized their applications by adopting Kubernetes in production, however they face operational challenges with observability. You can attend our ‘Observability best practices for Amazon EKS’ session on Wednesday, from 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM, to get guidance on observability. We will talk about using the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) to employ a single agent to collect telemetry data from workloads and export to a set of diverse destinations. You’ll also learn about using other tools like Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus and Amazon Managed Grafana which enable users to adopt the popular open-source tools, Prometheus and Grafana in the form of a managed service.
Friday 11 AM – 12 PM: Running EKS Anywhere: Multi-cluster patters with Istio and Cilium
To wrap up the event on Friday, we’ll host a session on Running EKS Anywhere Multi-cluster patters with Istio and Cilium from 11:00 AM – 12 PM. Many companies face significant challenges in implementing distributed Kubernetes. Istio and Cilium can work together to unlock powerful networking capabilities that can connect not only containers running in distributed Kubernetes clusters, but also legacy on-premises workloads, serverless functions, and more. This provides customers a clear path to modernizing at scale with Kubernetes. This session will dive into proven architectures and patterns for connecting clusters, network observability, enforcing zero trust posture, and configuring failover for high availability.
Main conference breakout sessions
During the main conference we have several sessions with AWS speakers covering an array of CNCF projects, some of them in concert with co-speakers from the community and partners that we collaborate with in various projects. We’d like to highlight a few of those sessions for you here, but be sure to check the schedule for the full list of conference talks and events in which AWS is participating.
Wednesday 11:00 AM: A containerd and friends update: What’s new in runtimes?
AWS is proud to be a significant contributor to the CNCF containerd project. AWS uses containerd as the container runtime in our Fargate and EKS services and has a team dedicated to upstream community contribution. For the first session of the main conference, Wednesday at 11:00 AM, one of our key maintainers will be leading the project update alongside maintainers from other vendors and the community. Check out this session to hear all the latest updates on container runtimes.
Friday 2:55 PM: Build a cloud native asynchronous messaging system for scale with Redis
Developers love the simplicity of Redis, a popular in-memory key-value store. In this talk, one of our Redis maintainers will walk through using a set of common CNCF projects along with Redis to build a scalable asynchronous messaging system. Check out how Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and Redis can work together to make a cloud native messaging system in this practical talk on Friday at 2:55 PM.
We hope to have the chance to connect with many of you in-person in Detroit in just a few short weeks. Look for us at the booth or at any of the sessions highlighted above. Looking for more content on what AWS is doing at KubeCon? Check out our main AWS event page for further details on speakers and events.