Tag: react

The story of concurrent rendering in React

May 4, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Shopify Unveils React Native Skia — Skia is a popular (used in Chrome, Android, Firefox, etc.) 2D graphics library and Shopify has brought its 2D drawing capabilities into React Native for you to create your own cross-platform graphics on the fly in any RN app.…

React 18.1 released

April 27, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Remotion 3.0: ‘Write’ Videos in React — Remotion provides a way for you to use your React knowledge to create videos by writing what you want to happen in code with Remotion then handling the rendering and encoding. ▶️ This video showing off the new…

Putting React on Rails

April 20, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

How to Create a Modern CRUD App with Ruby on Rails and React — A thorough, and newly updated, tutorial covering building a fully functional CRUD app with Rails 7, SQLite, esbuild, React 18, hooks, React Router, and more. An ideal guide if you want…

An admin panel for React-powered B2B apps

April 13, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

React Folder Structure in Five Steps, 2022 Edition — The latest part of Robin’s attempts at updating his well regarded React resources to 2022 standards. Articles about structuring React apps are always popular and this one breaks the idea down into five steps going from…

React libraries for 2022

April 6, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

React Libraries for 2022 — The React ecosystem has become so big — we routinely track over 1500 React-related libraries ourselves — the problem is more one of being spoilt for choice than not having what you need. This list represents a sound place when…

React 18. It’s here.

March 30, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

React 18.0 Released — Almost a year ago, the plan was for 18 to be simple to upgrade to with minimal changes needed – and despite the introduction of a new concurrent rendered, Suspense, new hooks, automatic batching, and more (all covered in this news…

🥄 A faster alternative to Storybook

March 23, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

🔥  Hooks Considered ‘Harmful’ — The author claims to “find a dozen of hooks-related problems every single week” and he has used that experience to present examples, workarounds and otherwise avoid the “rough edges of the API”. This led to quite a big discussion on…

React Native’s new architecture is just around the corner..

March 16, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

A Delightful React File/Directory Structure — We have featured a number of these types of articles, but there’s always room for another perspective on the ‘right’ way to set up a project, particularly from a respected voice in the React community. Josh W. Comeau Quick bits:…

React 18 Release Candidate released

March 9, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

⭐️  How to Upgrade to the React 18 Release Candidate — The full production release of React 18 is seemingly imminent: just out, the detailed documentation covering the upgrade to this week’s release candidate. The post also includes useful information about some of the major…

Anti-patterns to avoid in React

March 2, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

▶  Ten React Anti-Patterns to Avoid — A well presented eight minute video that quickly goes through a variety of approaches to reconsider (or at least think twice about before putting into action). Fireship Redux Toolkit 1.8.0 Released — If you’re down with Redux for managing state, the…