Tag: Management

Building a CRM System: Does CRM Require Coding?

April 6, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

Are you curious to learn if CRM requires coding? Researching for answers to questions like do I need to know how to code to use a CRM system? What coding language is used for CRM systems? How difficult is it to learn CRM coding? Technology…

Were React hooks a mistake? Take 2.

March 8, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Why You Should Use a React ‘Framework’ — Whether it’s Next.js, Gatsby, Remix, or something else, using a bigger framework that itself uses React is de rigueur in 2023. Lee examines why, complete with a nice iceberg metaphor, and does a good job of boiling…

Improve collaboration between teams by using AWS CDK constructs

February 23, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

There are different ways to organize teams to deliver great software products. There are companies that give the end-to-end responsibility for a product to a single team, like Amazon’s Two-Pizza teams, and there are companies where multiple teams split the responsibility between infrastructure (or platform)…

Managing Dev Environments with Amazon CodeCatalyst

January 24, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

An Amazon CodeCatalyst Dev Environment is a cloud-based development environment that you can use in CodeCatalyst to quickly work on the code stored in the source repositories of your project. The project tools and application libraries included in your Dev Environment are defined by a…