Tag: Front-End

AWS Amplify loves Next.js too

November 22, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Building Fast Next.js Apps using TypeScript and AWS Amplify JavaScript V6 — If you’ve been wondering if you can deploy modern Next.js apps anywhere other than Vercel, AWS Amplify is keen to enter the chat. Amplify is essentially a packaging up of AWS services into a…

Why one team moved back to React from Preact

November 15, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Datasheet Grid: An Airtable-like Grid Component — If you’ve got an array of objects and you want a way for users to manipulate them, this is for you. It’s not going to replace a spreadsheet or an extensive data grid framework, but it’s a good,…

Angular is back

November 9, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

Reintroducing Angular with Angular v17 — Angular first appeared in the shape of AngularJS in 2010 and helped launch a wave of large-scale JavaScript frameworks. Angular remains popular in many use cases but is often overlooked in favor of newer options. v17 takes a leap…

Next.js 14 and Docusaurus 3.0

November 1, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Next.js 14 Released — Unveiled at last week’s Next.js Conf, Next 14 caused a disproportionate amount of discussion on social media over relatively small changes, mostly surrounding Server Actions being declared stable and the style of development they make possible. The Turbopack bundler is now…

Getting AI to build your React components

September 20, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

v0: ‘An AI Tool That’s Effectively Midjourney for React’ — An interesting experiment from Vercel where you can submit prompts like “a pricing page for a SaaS” or “a contact form” and it returns copy-and-paste friendly shadcn/ui + Tailwind CSS code for React apps. It’s…

Official docs on using TypeScript with React

August 16, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

⛱ I’m taking two weeks off and will be back on Wednesday, September 6. So if you don’t see the newsletter turn up for a while, rest assured it’s not your fault 😉__Peter Cooper, your editor ‘My Experience Modernizing Packages to ESM’ — Mark, well known…

11 years of JavaScript on top

June 15, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

Perhaps best known as the creator of Angular, Miško is on a fresh mission with Qwik. Recently reaching v1.0 and focusing on the ‘instant’ delivery of full-stack apps to end users, Qwik takes an interesting approach around ‘streaming’ JavaScript to the client only when needed.…

Understanding React concurrency

May 24, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Full Stack for Front-End Engineers with Jem Young (Netflix) — Learn what it means to become a well-rounded full-stack engineer with this hands-on video course. You’ll dive into servers, work with the command line, understand networking and security, set up continuous integration and deployment, manage…

Dan Abramov takes React back to the future

May 17, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

▶  React from Another Dimension with Dan Abramov — At Remix Conf 2023, Meta’s Dan Abramov (of both React and Redux fame) gave an illuminating talk about server-side components and server actions, by way of thinking about what React might have been like if the modern JavaScript…

React gets a new ‘Canary’ release channel

May 10, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Next.js 13.4 Released — Despite the minor version bump, this is a big release for the popular React framework. The new app router and its improved approach to filesystem based routing is now offered as a stable feature, with a new concept of server actions…