Single executable apps come to Node core

February 23, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Node.js Weekly

▶  The State of Node.js Core with Colin Ihrig — Colin sits on the Node.js Technical Steering Committee (TSC) and gives us a 30-minute presentation reviewing what’s going on and some potential upcoming features (including a permissions system, better TypeScript integration, proxy support for fetch and more promisified core modules).

This Dot Media

Node 18.4.2 (LTS) has also been released with npm 9.5 and updates to both V8 and the Undici HTTP client.

Add Pangea’s Security Services to Your Node App – Start Free — Get the APIs to deliver a secure user experience in one place! Comply with SOC2 (Secure Audit Log), strip out PII (Redact), comply with export restrictions (Embargo), and block known threat actors (File, Domain, IP, URL Threat Intelligence). Start for free


Node v19.7.0’s Single Executable Applications Support — I told a half truth above, there are three neat things in Node 19.7. The third is experimental and significant enough to require its own item. With the right incantations, you can package a Node app along with the Node executable itself for easier distribution. I struggled to get it working and the resulting executable will be over 80MB in size, but it’s early days 🙂

Node.js Documentation

▶  The NPM Library Creation Speedrun — Social media’s most famous TypeScript developer right now takes just 90 minutes to build, CI, and publish a complete npm package. You could do it faster, of course, but he takes a thorough approach with testing, TypeScript, writing a README and actually building something useful. (Note: He actually starts around the 17-minute mark in the video.)

Matt Pocock

Prefer ▶️ a 3-minute primer to publishing an npm package with the latest tools? Matt’s got you covered there, too.

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???? Letting Node Play Your Games

A Node Script That Plays ‘Hay Day’Hay Day is a mobile ‘virtual farming’ game and like many such games, it seems to involve a lot of grinding to progress. Sam has used Node to bring together some OCR, screenshotting, and calling out to AutoHotKey to play the more boring parts of the game – techniques you might be find useful to try elsewhere, perhaps. There are ▶️ some clips of it in action on Twitch.

Sam Neisewander