React 18 reflections

June 16, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

Next.js 11 Released — The popular React framework takes some more steps forward with improved performance, Webpack 5 support, an experimental way to make Create React App apps Next.js compatible, and Next.js Live, a preview of a way to build Next.js apps in the browser, collaboratively, with your team.

Next.js Team

Learn to Build Scalable React Apps — Brian Holt covers the latest tools in the React ecosystem like TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Redux, Jest, and more in this new and updated video course!

Frontend Masters


Last week we focused on the plans for React 18, coming in final form later this year. Numerous React developers have picked over and digested the plans and come up with some helpful explainers:

React Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Join the most energizing community for developers and work on long-term projects for Riot Games, FOX, Sony, Coinbase, and more.

Find React Jobs with Hired — Take 5 minutes to build your free profile & start getting interviews for your next job. Companies on Hired are actively hiring right now.

📘 Tutorials and Stories

Deep Dive Into React Context API — For props used by many components (such as UI theme, for example) use React’s Context API to make them available throughout your component tree without the hassle of all that passing them from parent-to-child.

Harsh Patel

🛠 Code and Tools

react-native-in-app-review: In App Reviews — I’m not sure how many users really like these, but with this approach you can prompt for ratings and reviews without your user having to leave your app (and possibly never coming back).

Mina Samir Shafik