Ecommerce React Template is a ready-made fully working ecommerce store build with the latest technologies and best practices. In this react Ecommerce template we have used React for the front-end, NodeJS for the back-end, PostgreSQL for storing the data andSequelize as ORM.
Using an E-commerce React Template you will get a complete E-commerce store with front-end, backend, and admin parts. Our E-commerce template is SEO-friendly with the help of NextJS – server-side rendering technology.
In the front-end part of our Ecommerce template, you find such features as product descriptions page, landing page, categories pages, all support pages (contact, FAQ, about, etc.) and blog. The back-end part consists of CMS for blog, authentication, CMS for the store with an analytics dashboard, user management, and product management. We have also integrated payment systems in our ecommerce react template.
Buying Ecommerce react template you get full control over the application, as we give you the source code. You pay for the template, we send you a download link or add you to the Github repository (if you request the subscription). After receiving the code, you just have to type several commands in the terminal and you have a working application. You just need to connect or add your data to this Ecommerce React Template and extend it to your needs!
- Products listing
- Product filter
- Server-side rendering
- SEO module
- Blog and CMS for it
- Registration with email/password/name
- Stripe integration
- Node.js & PostgreSQL integrated
- Sequilize ORM
- React 16
- Responsive layout
- Checkout page

massandroni –
Used React for the front-end, NodeJS for the back-end, PostgreSQL for storing the data andSequelize as ORM. Cool! This for that!
Andrea Bortolli –
Powerfull template! Great!