Native modules become ‘built-ins’

August 11, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

☀️ We’re taking a week off for a brief summer vacation and will be back on August 25, so when you don’t get an issue of Node Weekly next week, it’s our fault, not yours 😉
Peter Cooper, your editor.

Node.js Weekly

How To Use Multithreading in Node.js — Folks often say they see DigitalOcean’s involvement in the publication of an article as a sign of quality, and this practical walkthrough-style introduction to how Node uses threads internally and how and why you might use worker threads is worth a look.

Stanley Ulili and DigitalOcean

Complete Node.js Learning Path 🚢 — Learn Node.js from foundations up to building APIs and web applications! Get hands-on creating and deploying REST and GraphQL APIs and power your web apps in this complete learning path on Node.js.

Frontend Masters

No More ‘Native Modules’ for Node.js. Sort of. — The term ‘native module’ often refers to core Node.js modules like fs but sometimes gets used to describe third party native addons too. To resolve the confusion, Node.js is switching to calling built-in modules as “built-ins” or “built-in modules” and dynamically linked native addons as “addons.” Now we just need to remember.. 😁

Joyee Cheung

🛠 Code & Tools


N|Solid 4.8.0
Pino 8.4 – Fast JSON logger.
Fastify 4.4 – Fast, low overhead web framework.
node-MSSQL 9.0 – Microsoft SQL Server client for Node.
NodeBB 2.4 – Node.js based forum software.
php-parser 3.1 – Convert PHP code to an AST.
Emittery 0.12 – Simple async event emitter.
DNT 0.30 – Deno to npm package build tool.

Software Engineers — Sticker Mule is the Internet’s most “kick ass” brand. Our software team operates from 17 countries, and we’re always looking for more exceptional engineers.
Sticker mule

Find Tech Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.