Listen to React performance issues

March 13, 2024 By Mark Otto 0

React Geiger: A Way to Hear React Performance Issues — The output is hardly a mellifluous three voice fugue, but Geiger provides an interesting way to make React performance audible by making clicking sounds (akin to a Geiger counter) when things take longer to run than you desire. There’s a live demo but note you may need to refresh or give extra permission for the audio to play.

Kristian Dupont

Making React Debugging FunJoin Sentry Launch Week live. We’ll be announcing new error and performance monitoring improvements, showing exclusive demos, raffling swag and talking about all things developer and React, every. single. day. (For one week).


Storybook 8 Released with RSC Support — The popular front-end component workshop introduces built-in visual testing, support for React Server Components, up to 50% faster start times, and upgraded Vue and React control auto-generation. There’s also ▶️ a launch video to enjoy.

Michael Shilman (Storybook)

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