JS Runtime Royale

December 14, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

✍️ Christmas is almost here, so we’re preparing our annual roundup issue for next week, before we take some time off! Keep an eye out for that next Thursday 🙂
Your editor, Peter Cooper

New TypeScript Courses: Take the Learning Path — Join Mike North (Tech Lead at Stripe) for this series of brand new TypeScript courses. You’ll get hands-on practice covering both the fundamentals and advanced features like utility types and advanced generics. Learn best practices to configure and evolve your TS codebase!

Frontend Masters

Deno 1.39: The Return of WebGPU — Deno introduced WebGPU support in Deno 1.8 but it was removed for various reasons. It’s back and gives you a tidy way to work with the GPU directly from JavaScript (behind the --unstable-webgpu flag, at least). Improvements to Node.js compatibility and various Deno APIs, as well as TypeScript 5.3, are included.

The Deno Team

📄 Articles & Tutorials

The Await Event Horizon in JavaScript — You know someone’s getting heavy when they start a JavaScript article by talking about the event horizon around black holes and how “a similar boundary exists around every JavaScript Promise.” Enjoy.

Charles Lowell

The New TC39 FAQs — TC39 is the committee responsible for evolving and maintaining the ECMAScript spec, the standardized form of JavaScript, and its members have started a disclaimer-riddled FAQ. You can suggest new topics by opening an issue, or learn a little from the nine questions covered so far, including Will JS ever add JSX notation? and Will WebAssembly replace JS?

Ecma TC39

You Don’t Need JavaScript for That“Just because you know something needs JavaScript, doesn’t mean it still does. You can make better websites if you test those assumptions every now and then.”

Killian Valkhof

What Vue’s Creator Learned the Hard Way with Vue 3 — Evan You shared some of the lessons he learned from the release and reception of Vue 3 around things like including a lot of small breaking changes, to choosing deprecation over breaking changes.

Loraine Lawson (The New Stack)

🛠 Code & Tools

RE:DOM 4.0: The 2K UI Library — We first linked to this library over 6 years ago but it’s still going, so if you want something to help with creating and syncing DOM elements that’s ‘close to the metal’, it’s worth a look. v4.0 enables tree shaking and adds viewFactory.

Juha Lindstedt and contributors

Seroval 1.0: Stringify JS Values — A handy utility library for turning JavaScript values into strings that can handle far more complex things than JSON, say.

Alexis H. Munsayac

😍 Beautiful Planets