Cutting down on JavaScript

December 10, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

▶  A Coding Interview with Dan Abramov — Dan Abramov, best known for his fantastic Overreacted blog and co-creating Redux, bravely subjects himself to a ‘coding interview’ with Ben Awad. They cover a mixture of JavaScript and frontend topics, including.. centering a div! Ben Awad and Dan…

Top 15 Web Application Templates with Perfect Design [2021]

December 9, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Introduction The most general meaning of the word template is an object used to produce or mould new objects with a high degree of uniformity. This is an old concept. A well-shaped spearhead mould meant the whole army could be supplied with spears of adequate…

Top JavaScript Calendar Plugins

December 9, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Calendars are an important part of our lives. In today’s world, people mostly use the web or mobile calendars. They can be found everywhere, including various software: booking apps, travel software, project management, admin panels, etc. Our company often integrates JS calendars into admin templates…


December 9, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

GitHub Rolling Out Enforced 2FA and More for npm Registry — Many public code package registries have suffered issues with user security in recent years, and a single compromised package can cause havoc in the npm ecosystem in particular. GitHub are, therefore, moving forward with…

Best React Open Source Projects

December 8, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

It is no secret that every great developer should be committed to open source projects. It is useful for personal professional development, as well as for the technology ecosystem. But how do you choose the right project for your spare time efforts? In this article,…

A coding interview with Dan Abramov

December 8, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

▶  A Coding Interview with Dan Abramov — This isn’t particularly React focused, but in this novel twist on a straight up interview, React expert Dan Abramov subjects himself to a mock coding interview at the hands of Ben Awad. You’ll learn some interesting things about…

Top React Native UI Component Libraries

December 7, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

React Native was created by Facebook to accelerate and reduce the cost of developing mobile applications. It is clear that React Native is currently the best solution for creating cross-platform mobile applications. Under the hood React Native uses the Javascript bridge to interpret the UI…

What is Next.js and Top Next.js Templates

December 6, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Modern web application development involves rapid testing of hypotheses, building MVPs, and testing them, which requires appropriate tools. Accordingly, now we have a variety of different tools and frameworks for building web applications. Another requirement that has become widespread in the development of web applications…

Flatlogic Platform Updates: November 2021

December 3, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Flatlogic Platform, also known as Web App Builder is gathering pace!🎋. Yay! We have already 2570 applications generated, and that’s not the limit! 📜 TypeScript added. 🌎 Migrations added. ✔️ GitHub integration included 🏁 Free 7-Day Trial Added We keep on updating our Flatlogic Platform…

Happy 26th birthday to JavaScript

December 3, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

asciinema-player, Now 4x Smaller and 50x Faster with JS and Rust — asciinema is a Python-based terminal screen recorder (think Camtasia but for text!) but to play its recordings on the Web asciinema-player is used. Originally written in ClojureScript, a mixed JS + Rust build…