Happy 26th birthday to JavaScript

December 3, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

asciinema-player, Now 4x Smaller and 50x Faster with JS and Rustasciinema is a Python-based terminal screen recorder (think Camtasia but for text!) but to play its recordings on the Web asciinema-player is used. Originally written in ClojureScript, a mixed JS + Rust build (plus a little SolidJS) has hugely improved its performance (the demo on the page is neat to play). Will we continue to see more collaborations between Rust and JavaScript in future? Definitely.

Marcin Kulik

Mitosis: Write Components Once, Run Everywhere — In simple scientific terms, mitosis is a process where a cell divides into two child cells, but in this case it’s a single component code base that can compile into different forms usable with Vue, React, Solid, Angular, Svelte, and more. The playground lets you see how it works out.


Introduction to Gatsby Course with Jason Lengstorf — Learn to build blazing-fast apps and websites with React using Gatsby, covering all angles from using GraphQL to store and retrieve data, image optimization, displaying third party data in components, right through to deployment.

Frontend Masters

‘Thank You, Angular’ (and Thank You, Igor!) — Igor has been a leader and fundamental part on the Angular team for, amazingly, over 12 years now, but he’s moving on. In this post he reflects on the project’s history, his involvement with it, how Angular is now used in over 2500 apps(!) at Google, and who’s helping to plug the gap he leaves.

Igor Minar



WEBMIDI.js 3.0 – Easier MIDI from the Web.
Node 17.2.0 – Node updates to V8 9.6.
npm 8.2.0
Polly 6.0 – Netflix’s HTTP recording and replay library.
DOCX 7.2 – Generate .docx files from JavaScript.
React PDF Reader 1.0 – Component wrapping PDF.js.

Grow a Design System at Addepar — Work with a talented team of designers and engineers on the foundation for Addepar’s expanding UX. We’re building tools that keep our customer experience one of the best in Fintech.

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.

📖 Tutorials, Opinions & Stories

JSON Modules in JavaScript — Typically when you use import it’s for importing JavaScript code, but what if you had some configuration settings in a JSON file and wanted to import it directly? Enter the JSON modules proposal which is at stage 3 with experimental support available in Node or within the Chrome 91 browser.

Dmitri Pavlutin

🛠 Code & Tools

🧊  And finally…