Category: node js

The results are in

June 20, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

How React 19 (Almost) Made the Internet Slower — Even changes that are planned in advance can have big effects on the developer experience if people aren’t aware of them. A change to Suspense in React 19 led to much confusion and surprise, but the…

A snapshot of what’s new in Node

June 18, 2024 By Mark Otto 0

Node v22.3.0 (Current) Released — One of those releases where lots of tiny things have occurred, but little of broad significance, except… for snapshot testing! Snapshot tests serialize arbitrary values into string values to be compared against a set of pre-built known ‘good’ values (stored…

The biggest TypeScript release in years?

June 13, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

📝 I’ve recently encountered readers who’ve been surprised to learn this isn’t our only JavaScript newsletter. We have Node Weekly and React Status too – check them out if you’re a Node.js or React developer, as we focus more closely on them there! 🙂__Your editor, Peter…

Leaky timeouts

June 11, 2024 By Mark Otto 0

Node is Leaking Memory? setTimeout Could Be The Reason — The folks at Sentry were running into problems with how Node handles timeouts created with setTimeout or, more specifically, problems caused by hanging on to the Timeout objects setTimeout returns.. Armin Ronacher Memetria: Efficient Redis Hosting…

The appealing simplicity of htmx

June 6, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

Promises from the Ground Up — Josh notes that in order to truly understand promises, a fundamental part of modern JS development, we need “a surprisingly deep understanding of how JavaScript works and what its limitations are”. Luckily, this tutorial covers all the critical context…

The newest Node.js runtime features

June 4, 2024 By Mark Otto 0

🫣 Node Weekly took a break last week, but we forgot to notify you in advance – sorry! You didn’t miss anything, and we’re catching up with the past two weeks today 🙂__Your editor, Peter Cooper QUICK BITS: ⚙︎ Regexper – Visualize regular expressions as a diagram.…

A variety of JS hacks and creative coding

May 30, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

Next.js 15 Release Candidate — The popular React meta framework gets ready for a major new release with a RC giving you an opportunity to experiment with React 19 (and React Compiler) support, executing code after a response with next/after, and a few potentially breaking changes.…

SolidJS is off to a solid start

May 23, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

SolidStart 1.0: The Shape of Frameworks to Come? — SolidJS is a React-inspired declarative UI library but with a performance focus and templates compiled to real DOM nodes receiving direct DOM updates – no VDOM. SolidStart is a framework for building and deploying SolidJS apps…

The Node.js Advocacy Ambassador program?

May 21, 2024 By Mark Otto 0

Node v22.2.0 (Current) Released — A less significant release, feature-wise, than 22.0 or 22.1, but lots of little bug fixes, tweaks around core dev experience, getting Node’s built-in ESLint rules ready for ESLint v9, and the –inspect-wait flag to make the debugger wait for a…

Remix + React Router == React Router?

May 16, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

📄  How to Document Your JavaScript Package — You’ve written some useful code, you want to distribute it.. what next? Useful docs! The Deno team demonstrates the value of JSDoc and writing documentation alongside your usual source code. The Deno Team WorkOS: Enterprise-Grade Auth You Can…