Bringing static type syntax into JavaScript itself

March 11, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

🤦 Thanks to all readers who noticed we made a mistake with last week’s subject line “TypeScript 2.6 released” – rather than the intended 4.6. We were only 4 years late with that news 😉 Rest assured, more caffeine has been consumed today..

Credit: Daniel Rosenwasser

Wallaby.js: 15x Faster JavaScript/Jest Testing and Debugging — Wallaby runs your tests immediately as you type, with runtime values, errors and code coverage displayed in real-time right next to your code. Features have been designed specifically for testing, including: time-travel debugging, edit-and-continue support, and much more.


React 18 Release Candidate Released — The full production release of React 18 is seemingly imminent: just out, the detailed documentation covering the upgrade to this week’s release candidate. The post also includes useful information about some of the major new features.

Rick Hanlon and React Core Team

WebGPU — All of the Cores, None of the Canvas — It’s always a pleasure to see Surma dig into something (especially Web Workers) and this time he turns to making the potential of WebGPU (an API that exposes the capabilities of GPU hardware that, admittedly, isn’t available by default in any standard browser yet) more accessible to us all.




Partytown 0.5.0 – Moves scripts into Web Workers for perf.
AVA 4.1.0 – Node.js test runner.
Rollup.js 2.70.0 – ES module bundler.
Node 17.7.0 and 17.7.1
React Native DateTimePicker 6.0

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.

📒 Articles & Tutorials

My Experience Building a Chess App in React — The author describes himself as a self-taught, relative newcomer to React development. As a result, he describes his approach to this well-defined problem in terms that those at a similar point in the learning curve will find easy to understand.

Fred Litt

🛠 Code & Tools

🎮 And for some fun..