A visual catalog of 5000+ components.

June 15, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Build Better Chat Faster With The Sendbird React UIKit — The new Sendbird Chat UIKit is easy-to-use and more customizable. Enable the best chat experience in your app with a free 30-day trial. Beyond 30 days, keep innovating for free with our developer plan.


Quick bits:

  • 📅 React Brussels is taking place this October both in Belgium and online.

  • 📝 Component Party is a sort of Rosetta Stone for comparing simple code examples between React, Svelte, Vue, Angular, and similar frameworks.

  • 🤑 The company behind Refine, a React-based framework for building internal tools quickly, has raised $1m in seed funding to continue work on the project.

Find React Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.

Element vs Component vs Instance — Code heavy demonstrations of the distinction between the meaning of an element, component or instance in React, before looking at how they tie together.

Robin Wieruch

‘How We Reduced Bugs in Our React Codebase’ — A thorough examination of three unexpected code behaviours in React which are then addressed by identifying and understanding their underlying patterns and anti-patterns.

Darshita Chaturvedi and Shyam Swaroop

🛠 Code and Tools

⚡️ Quick Bits:

react-timeago — Takes any date and expresses it in relation to the current date, such as “6 days ago”, with support for a large number of spoken languages.