Tag: Client-side Rendering

React Server Components explained

September 13, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Find Your Perfect Course or Learning Path with Frontend Masters — The Exploration Sale is live! Get access to over 200 courses, all with revamped learning paths. There’s a slew of new workshops and courses on the way too, covering TailwindCSS, TypeScript, accessibility, algorithms, Angular,…

Demystifying React Server Components

July 12, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

The React Graph Gallery — Live demonstrations of a vast array of different charts and graphs built with React and D3.js, complete with explanations and code you can take away to reproduce them for yourself. Particularly striking examples include Sankey diagrams, treemaps, and correlograms, but…

Dan Abramov takes React back to the future

May 17, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

▶  React from Another Dimension with Dan Abramov — At Remix Conf 2023, Meta’s Dan Abramov (of both React and Redux fame) gave an illuminating talk about server-side components and server actions, by way of thinking about what React might have been like if the modern JavaScript…