Category: react

Top 8 React Bootstrap Templates for Enthusiasts and Pros

January 4, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Introduction Beauty is the purgation of superfluities. This statement by Michelangelo isn’t only about aesthetics. Masters of various professions have made similar statements. And the ones who didn’t often showed a similar attitude to their craft and life. Empty spaces in a painting give weight…

The top React links of 2021

December 22, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

🎄 Hi folks. It’s the end of the year (for us, anyway) so we’re looking back at 2021 with a roundup of the most popular items of the year, whether overall, or in terms of libraries and videos. You should find something useful here that…

Top 15 React App Ideas for Web Developer in 2022

December 16, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Quick Intro Recently we have published an article on this very topic, called 6 React Project Ideas to Help You Learn by Doing. And out with the new, in with the old. The best way to learn React is certainly through direct practice. If someone…

Create React App v5.0

December 15, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

🎄 This is the last normal issue of the year but we’re back next week with a “best of 2021” edition to cap off the year. Season’s greetings to you all!__Peter Cooper and Terence Gannon — editors Open-Source Session Replay for Developers — We let…

Best React Open Source Projects

December 8, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

It is no secret that every great developer should be committed to open source projects. It is useful for personal professional development, as well as for the technology ecosystem. But how do you choose the right project for your spare time efforts? In this article,…

A coding interview with Dan Abramov

December 8, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

▶  A Coding Interview with Dan Abramov — This isn’t particularly React focused, but in this novel twist on a straight up interview, React expert Dan Abramov subjects himself to a mock coding interview at the hands of Ben Awad. You’ll learn some interesting things about…

What is Next.js and Top Next.js Templates

December 6, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Modern web application development involves rapid testing of hypotheses, building MVPs, and testing them, which requires appropriate tools. Accordingly, now we have a variety of different tools and frameworks for building web applications. Another requirement that has become widespread in the development of web applications…

Using WebAssembly in creating React components

December 1, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

What Is a Gantt Chart and When to Use It in Your React Apps — The Gantt Chart – a component that can provide a ton of utility in very few scenarios. Jump into this blog to understand when you should consider using a Gantt…

Remix goes open source

November 24, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

A Visual Guide to React Rendering: Refs — We return to the author’s well-regarded Visual Guide to React Rendering series (we’ve previously shared instalments on both Props and useMemo). This time he turns his attention and animation skills to the nuances of rendering refs. Alex…