Quaking in our JavaScript boots

September 17, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Q1K3: A JavaScript Homage to Quake in Just 13KB — It’s (another) quiet week for big JavaScript news, so we’re going with the fun angle and looking at a popular entrant to the latest JS13KGames contest that ended this week. No winners yet but this Quake clone is amazing given the limitations, and takes me right back to 1996 when I installed it off a magazine cover disc (when the demo even then was 10 megabytes).

Dominic Szablewski

ChowJS: An AOT JavaScript Engine for Game Consoles — It’s not every week we get to mention a new JavaScript engine. This post explains why another one is needed to run on gaming hardware in particular and how ChowJS fills a gap. Unfortunately it’s not open source.

Mathias Kærlev (MP2)

The Modern Guide to OAuth — Another OAuth Guide? Well yes, but… This guide covers all of the ways that FusionAuth actually uses OAuth. Become an expert without having to read all the specifications or write your own OAuth server. Get it for free today.



  • The pipe operator (|>) proposal is coming along nicely.
  • Nuxt 3, the next version of the popular Vue framework, is coming in about 3 weeks.
  • Fable 3.3, the latest version of a F# to JavaScript transpiler, is out with JS decorators support (though they don’t compile to JS decorators, for reasons explained in the post).
  • Eric Elliott is back talking about software deadlines and recommends focusing on demos over deadlines.

MUI 5.0 – Material UI components for React.
jsPDF 2.4 – Client side PDF generation library.
Node.js v16.9.1 – Fixes a small V8 regression.
Kap 3.4.0 – Screen recorder built with JS.
NVM for Windows 1.1.8 – Node.js version management utility.
Espree 9.0 – Pure JS JavaScript parser.

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job‑seekers.

📖 Tutorials, Opinions & Stories

▶  Fastify in One Minute — This isn’t one of those ultra high level videos where you see nothing useful – it’s fast paced and code-first, all in one minute. And it might convince you to give Fastify, a Node.js webapp library, a go for your next HTTP API/webapp.


🛠 Code & Tools

Tasuku (タスク): A Minimal Task Runner for Node — Tasuku, which is simply Japanese for ‘task’, provides a clean way to break up processes into small tasks which can then be run in the right order with progress displayed elegantly in the terminal. Check out the succinct README.

hiroki osame

“I apologize for writing a complicated program. I didn’t have time to write a simple one.”

Tim Sweeney (via Twitter)