Parcel 2.0 released

October 15, 2021 By Mark Otto Off

Parcel v2 Released — Parcel, a fast zero-config webapp build tool, first came out in 2017 (issue 364!) and took the JavaScript world by storm. v2 is a full rewrite that takes the same principles from v1 but extends them to fit projects of ‘any size and complexity’ by way of tree shaking by default, an all new plugin-based system, bundling via ES modules, automatic code splitting, image asset optimization, and, naturally, more.

Parcel Team

The Remix Project Gets $3M in Seed Funding — The folks behind React Training and React Router have been working on a full-stack JavaScript framework called Remix which, till now, has only been available to paying supporters (who speak very highly of it). This funding round opens up a lot of new possibilities including the imminent open sourcing of the framework – good news for all of us.

Michael Jackson and Ryan Florence


ESLint v8.0.0 Released — ESLint is a popular pluggable and configurable linter tool for maintaining JavaScript code quality. v8.0 brings it up to ES2022 standards. If you’re upgrading from an older version, a migration guide is available.

ESLint Team

RELEASES: 8.6 – WebGL2-powered, large-scale data visualization.
crypto-hash 2.0 – Browser and server side hashing module.
React Static 7.6.0 – Progressive static site generator for React.
Jasmine 3.10 – Testing framework.
npm 8.1.0

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.

📖 Tutorials, Opinions & Stories

33 Concepts Every JavaScript Developer Should Know — A curated collection of links to tutorials on 33 different areas of JavaScript it’s worth understanding well, including: types, closures, equality, scope, and different JavaScript engines. We’ve linked this before, but it continues to get updated.

Leonardo Maldonado

Board Gaming in Figma (with JavaScript) — We’re not Figma users ourselves, but the cloud based design tool seems to be incredibly popular nowadays. Can it be used as the mechanism by which to play a table top game? Apparently so!

Dave Geddes

🛠 Code & Tools

Introducing Nuxt 3 Beta — Tthe key aspect of Nuxt 3 (a popular framework for Vue users) is its new server engine that allows it to deploy just about anywhere, including serverless deployment similar to Next.js (wherein SSR pages deploy as serverless functions). It also supports Vue 3 and Vite. Want to learn more, watch Ben Hong’s livestream recording.

Nuxt Team

🤓 And one for fun..

DOOM Rendered via Checkboxes — Is it possible to play DOOM in your Web browser using nothing but checkboxes for rendering? Yes! I mean, it’s not going to be your first choice, but it’s fun to see it done, and here’s the source.

Andrew Healey