Get decorating with Babel 7.17.0

February 4, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Writing a Printer Driver in JavaScript“Writing a printer driver in JavaScript sounds ridiculous,” starts the author, and while the definition of ‘driver’ is arguable here (it’s more a filter?), this is nonetheless an interesting story and solution to the author’s problem.

Dan Pastusek

Babel 7.17.0 Released — Now that the decorators proposal has stabilized, Babel includes parse and transform support for them, if you want to get playing. The ‘v’ flag proposal for regexes has also been implemented.

Babel Team



MDX 2.0 – Markdown + JSX = ❤️
Partytown 0.3 – Take third party scripts off the main thread.
Mongoose 6.2.0 – MongoDB object modelling library.
Recoil 0.6 – Alternative React state management.
Commander.js 9.0 – Node CLI framework.
CKEditor 5 v32.0 – Rich text editor framework.
ESLint 8.8.0

Senior JavaScript Engineer — Join our dev team and help develop, test, document and maintain our JS driven web applications.

📒 Articles & Tutorials

Speeding Up VS Code Extensions in 2022 — One of those ‘niche but interesting’ posts that digs into the underlying architecture of VS Code and a must-read for anyone considering making their own extension.

Jason Williams

🛠 Code & Tools

Sigma 2.2: A Graph Drawing Library — A mature library (we first linked it in 2015!) aimed at use cases where you have giant graphs containing thousands of nodes and edges that you need to render quickly. Some good examples here. GitHub repo.

Alexis Jacomy

Electron 17 Released — The popular cross-platform desktop app framework gets key dependency bumps with Chromium 98 support, Node 16.13.0, and V8 9.8.

Michaela Laurencin and Keeley Hammond

😍 And finally.. takes you straight to a Web-based ‘server-less’ virtual Linux environment running directly in your browser. It’s powered by the JavaScript and WebAssembly-based CheerpX x86 virtualization engine. While it’s not a JavaScript project exactly, it’s a neat demonstration of how far Web technology has come. It has Node v10.24.0 ‘installed’ if you want to try that, but beware it takes a good 20 seconds to load on my machine.

Here’s a write-up about how it works, if you want to learn more.

Note: Probably one for desktop users only due to the resources and performance needed.