Category: react

AWS Amplify UI goes GA

July 6, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

The New Wave of React State Management — It wouldn’t be a complete React Status if there wasn’t something about state management 😁 This (quite lengthy) article gives a sweeping overview, along with some history and opinion on the way, rather than presenting the capabilities…

React fetch data guide

June 29, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

Fetch data is a basic requirement of practically every React application. There are a variety of ways to fetch data in React, including the built-in Fetch API, Axios, async/await syntax, and others. We’ll look at some of these methods in detail. React components can simply…

A modern React-based HTML email workflow

June 29, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

An MDX, MJML & React Workflow for Building HTML Emails — We know perhaps better than most that creating HTML layouts that work in email clients is.. a tricky job! 😆 While we stay quite old school with our tooling, Josh deftly takes a more…

Top Tools every Software Developer should know in 2022

June 23, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

With the increase in popularity of software development in the market, the adoption of its tools has also increased. Now, programmers prefer to use the right software developer tool while creating a solution for the client as it makes their lives easier. Besides, the right…

Is React a Framework? Software Engineer Answering

June 22, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

By definition – React is one of the most popular JavaScript UI libraries nowadays. It comes in second place after jQuery among all web frameworks! React’s popularity has grown rapidly thanks to a simple and declarative API that allows you to build high-performance applications, and…

What the React team is working on now

June 22, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

💡 Don’t miss the Quick Releases section further down this issue as there have been a ton of interesting new releases this week and we’ve had to pack them in! 🙂 React Labs: What The React Team is Working On — With the React 18…

A visual catalog of 5000+ components.

June 15, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Build Better Chat Faster With The Sendbird React UIKit — The new Sendbird Chat UIKit is easy-to-use and more customizable. Enable the best chat experience in your app with a free 30-day trial. Beyond 30 days, keep innovating for free with our developer plan. Sendbird Quick…

An alternative to useEffect

June 8, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

▶  Goodbye, useEffect? David Khourshid’s Reactathon Talk — Here, Stately founder David Khourshid makes the case for using event handlers and state machines to simplify handling effects in React apps rather than using useEffect which many developers struggle with and isn’t always well suited for the…

React Material Admin Full Update

June 2, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

As Material UI and React continue to grow and develop it has become clear that React Material Admin can’t live with the outdated versions of those libraries. What products are affected by the update? Currently, the updates were released on 2 products: What has changed?…

An open, high performance data grid

June 1, 2022 By Mark Otto 0

Updated Course: Complete Intro to React — Join Brian Holt for this updated look at getting started with React. Covering things like hooks, effects, context, and portals. Throughout this video course you’ll learn about tools from across the entire React ecosystem (like Parcel, ESLint, TailwindCSS,…