A little look back..

July 1, 2021 By Mark Otto 0

✍️ Several readers have written in asking if we can do more frequent recaps of popular things we’ve covered recently. We do an annual roundup as the final issue of each year – here’s 2020’s – but since we’re now exactly half way through 2021, we’ve devoted the bottom half of this issue to a look back at some of the most popular items from this year so far 🙂
Peter Cooper, editor

Learn to use TypeScript with React — Join Steve Kinney in this extensive video course and learn how you can ship your React apps with more confidence and fewer bugs — by using TypeScript.

Frontend Masters

GitHub Copilot: An AI ‘Pair Programmer’ — A project that GitHub has been working on in the background for some time with OpenAI. It’s a VS Code extension that uses machine learning to suggest code snippets as you type and, yes, it plays well with Node, although some of the code generated can be a little questionable. Think of it as a source of inspiration, rather than writing your code for you.


Encoding Data for POST Requests Properly — While we’re talking Copilot, Jake noticed that an example it threw up isn’t all that great security wise, and spun it into a good lesson about creating HTTP data bodies properly, while covering things like URLSearchParams and FormData along the way.

Jake Archibald

Migrating From Capybara to Puppeteer — Why Wealthfront migrated away from Selenium for end-to-end tests, the process used to convert them, and the result of the completed conversion.

Jason Chambers

Find a Job Through Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.

🛠 Code and Tools

A Code Generator for Making HTTP Requests — A simple but sweet tool for defining what HTTP request you want to make (including headers, request body, and certain types of auth) and you can then copy/paste code for Node (Axios is used here), curl, fetch in the browser, or Google Apps Script (it’s JavaScript but very specific to Google’s environment).

Amit Agarwal

🏆 The Most Popular Items of 2021, So Far

1.  Nine JavaScript and TypeScript ORMs for 2021 — I was surprised how well this did, so clearly a lot of people are on the look out for new data management solutions.. 🙂 This is a roundup, complete with code examples, showing off a variety of tools like Knex.js, Mongoose, TypeORM, Waterline, and Bookshelf.

Michael Wanyoike

5.  The Death of a Node.js Process — Writing code to do stuff is fun, but do you ever think about what happens when your creation is either ready to terminate or gets cut off in its prime? Thomas looks at some different ways Node processes can terminate and how to keep it as clean as possible.

Thomas Hunter II

6.  A Simple Start to ES Modules in Node.js — Every supported version of Node now supports ES modules, so if you haven’t dipped a toe into the ESM water yet, Kent keeps it simple and straightforward with an example here.

Kent C Dodds